Go Cat Items for Petco!
Power Panels Below.
Da Wild Thing Attachment
Petco Price - $1.95
MSRP $4.95
Da Bird Super Refill
Petco Price - $2.25
MSRP $5.95
Sparkling Kitty
Duster Attachment
Petco Price - $1.95
MSRP $4.95
Sparkler Attachment
Petco Price - $1.45
MSRP $3.95
Option 1
Super Refill $2.25
36" Da Bird in assorted Colors $3.95
Da Fish Full Toy $4.30
Sparkling Kitty Duster Accessory in assorted colors $1.95
Da Ball Refill 2 Pack $2.20
Da Ball Full Toy $3.00
36'' Sparkling Kitty Duster in assorted colors $2.35
36" Cat Tail Ticklers in assorted colors $2.55
Option 2
Sparkling Kitty Duster Accessory in assorted colors $1.95
Da Ball Full Toy $3.00
Da Fish Full Toy $4.30
Super Refill $2.25
Da Rat Refill (Da Fish Refill is in the photo for placement) $3.00
Da Ball Refill 2 Pack $2.20
36" Wild Thing Ticklers- all natural pheasant feathers $2.30
36" Cat Tail Ticklers in assorted colors $2.55
36'' Sparkler $2.00
Option 3
Super Refill $2.25
Sparkling Kitty Duster Accessory in assorted colors $1.95
Da Rat Refill (Da Fish Refill is in the photo for placement) $3.00
Da Ball Full Toy $3.00
Da Fish Full Toy $4.30
36" Da Bird in assorted Colors $3.95
Da Ball Refill 2 Pack $2.20
36'' Sparkling Kitty Duster in assorted colors $2.35
36" Cat Tail Ticklers in assorted colors $2.55
Option 4
Super Refill $2.25
Da Ball Full Toy $3.00
Da Fish Full Toy $4.30
Da Rat Refill (Da Fish Refill is in the photo for placement) $3.00
Da Ball Refill 2 Pack $2.20
36" Wild Thing Ticklers- all natural pheasant feathers $2.30
36" Cat Tail Ticklers in assorted colors $2.55
36'' Sparkler $2.00
Option 5
Super Refill $2.25
Da Ball Full Toy $3.00
Da Fish Full Toy $4.30
Da Wild thing accessory $1.95
Da Rat Refill (Da Fish Refill is in the photo for placement) $3.00
Da Ball Refill 2 Pack $2.20
Cat Catcher Full Toy $4.10
Sparkler Accessory $2.00
36" Cat Tail Ticklers in assorted colors $2.55
36'' Sparkler $2.00